
Patent Application

Method and System for Diagnosis of Neuropsychiatric Disorders Including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism, and Schizophrenia Disorders Including Developmental Disorders

Inventors:  Jay W. Pettegrew, M.D. and Kanagasabai Panchalingam, Ph.D.

U.S. Continuation-In-Part (CIP) Patent claims priority from U.S. patent application no. 11/209,318, filed August 23, 2005, which is a CIP of 11/117,216 filed on April 27, 2005, which is a CIP of 10/359,560, filed February 7, 2003, which claims priority to 60/354,323, filed February 7, 2002. Application 11/117,126.

Utility Patent Application No. 12,508,559 filed July 23, 2009, published in the U.S. January 14, 2010, Patent No. US 2010/0010336 A1.

The invention relates to noninvasive, in vivo methods to identify novel brain molecular biomarkers of normal neurodevelopment in order to determine molecular underpinnings of abnormal neurodevelopment.  The described brain molecular biomarkers will aid in the presymptomatic diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disorders which begin in childhood and adolescence, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and schizophrenia.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]